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1950s Pacific Coast League Baseball Programs - One w/ Ty Cobb Cover (13)
<p>Interesting collection of PSL programs from a long time collector. Fresh to market, this collection features 13 programs and average VG/VG-EX. Collection includes <span style="font-size: 10pt;">1941 Los Angeles vs. Sacramento (Los Angeles Edition - unscored), Hollywod vs. Los Angeles (Hollywood Edition - unscored), 1948 Los Angeles vs. Sacramento (Los Angeles Edition - scored), 1949 Los Angeles vs. Hollywood </span><span style="font-size: 10pt;">(Los Angeles Edition - unscored), 1950 Sacramento vs. Hollywood (Hollywood Edition - unscored), 1950 Los Angeles vs. Sacramento (Los Angeles Edition - unscored), 1951 Hollywood vs. Seattle (Hollywood Edition - scorecard written on), 1951 Los Angeles vs. San Diego ( Los Angeles Edition - unscored), 1952 Hollwood vs. Seattle (Hollywood Edition - unscored), 1952 Hollywood vs. San Francisco (Hollywood Edition - scorecard written in/poor), 1952 Los Angeles vs. Oakland (Los Angeles Edition - scored/crease), 1953 Los Angeles vs. Hollywood (Los Angeles Edition - scored/crease) and 1952 White Sox vs. Cubs exhibition game (Cubs Edition - unscored).</span></p>
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