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1948 Jackie Robinson "Green Book" Check (PSA Authentic)
Historically important check obtained by Lelands from Rachel Robinson, Jackie's wife, decades ago. Relevant today as the check is made out to the Atlas Hotel in St. Louis. At this time, St. Louis was segregated, and Jackie, now in his second big league season, could not stay in their downtown "whites only" Chase Hotel. He not only stayed at the Atlas Hotel, he paid a bill of $14.70 for one night. Was he even reimbursed? Later on, in 1949, the Dodgers had three black players: Robinson, Roy Campanella, and Don Newcombe. Robinson wanted to integrate the Chase Hotel, accepting a compromise offer from the hotel to let the black players stay in their rooms, but not use the lobby, bar, and swimming pool. The three black Dodgers agreed to vote on the issue, accepting majority rules, with Campanella and Newcombe voting to stay at a "Negro" hotel and Robinson voting the integrate the Chase. Even though Robinson was out-voted, he stayed at the Chase anyway, breaking the integration "ice" and paving the way for full integration the following year. Most important, the Atlas Hotel is listed in the "Green Book: A classified Motorist and Tourist Guide covering the then United States and Alaska" by Victor Hugo Green. Because of segregation, African-Americans during this time had enormous difficulty traveling because many hotels, restaurants, and even gas stations were closed to them. Victor Hugo Green met a crucial need for information regarding African-American travel by producing his "Green Books," which were published from 1936-1966. These guides listed and described hotels, restaurants and service stations that were available to African-American travelers when away from home. Green stated his desire for full travel access for African-Americans when he said, "There will be a day sometime in the near future when this guide will not need to be published. That is when we as a race will have equal opportunity in the United States." The hit 2018 film, "Green Book," covering these issues, won three Academy Awards, including Best Picture. The check is in excellent condition, signed by Robinson as "Jackie Robinson," with a fountain pen in neat, bold script. Important article from a regrettable time in America when the Green Book was still needed.
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