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1932 Bound Olympics Programs Signed By Jim Thorpe
Jim Thorpe applies the gold-medal finish by autographing a bound collection of programs from the 1932 Olympics in Los Angeles. In crude handwriting, Thorpe signed "To George Baulanger from Jim Thorpe 1952" plus a line that is too difficult to read. Aloholic and bitter, Thorpe died months later of a heart attack. But the EX+ signed 8- by 11-inch collection, bound in grainy blue vinyl and embossed in gold, serves as a nice book-end to one of the Olympics' great injustices. Thorpe, the world's greatest athlete, was stripped of his two gold medals from the 1912 Games after it was discovered he played professional baseball. But his amateur status was reinstated posthumously and his medals were returned and put on display the next time the Games came to Los Angeles, in 1984.
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